Does this mean that one should have so much “brass" that he just rushes into any situation saying, "That's your problem, Buddy!" Nat- urally not. I'm not counselling foolhardiness nor the courting of trouble. I'd just like to see my FP friends come to recognize the mechanisms of guilt and fear so that they can learn to handle these emotions rather than the emotions controlling them. Those FPs who finally learn that their femme self is a true and valuable part of their whole self and that they actually have some advantages over non-FPs for having recognized and come to terms with "her" will have a much enlarged self-concept and more self-respect for having done so.

Additional Note: The story my friend related was the result of an actual bomb scare, but FPs travelling as women or carrying femme items in hand baggage should be aware that baggage inspection is now being done at many airports these days because of the hijacking precautions. It is often also inspected at border stations by customs men. Crank your nonchallance and aplomb into high gear beforehand so you will be able to respond cooly and appropriately to the various possibilities and not be caught off guard and have to improvise and stammer out improbable explanations. Play it cool and go ahead and fly. It's no one else's bus- iness what you carry as long as it isn't dangerous or illegal. To paraphrase Smoky the Bear, “Remember only you can prevent guilt fires —Keep America (and yourself) Cool!

A man was sitting in a Greenwich Village bar. Looking at a pretty young person with long curly hair who was feeding the juke box, he turned to the person on the stool next to him. "Is that a boy or a girl over there, lady?" he asked. "It's a boy," she replied. "How do you know?" "Because I am his father."